Шлях розвитку конвеєрної стрічки в останні роки

Індустрія конвеєрної стрічки в моїй країні продовжує розвиватися, і зараз його гумові конвеєрні стрічки добре розвиваються. Його розвиток змінився від зосередження лише на кількості продукту до зосередження на якості та терміні служби; від зосередження лише на передпродажному обслуговуванні до попереднього продажу, продаж, і післяпродажне єдине обслуговування. Від зосередження лише на миттєвих вигодах до зосередження на довгострокових вигодах. Індустрія конвеєрних стрічок зосереджується на продукції з високою доданою вартістю, і структура продукту досягла диверсифікованої тенденції розвитку. The development of products with independent intellectual property rights has implemented the scientific development concept, developed a circular economy, and followed the road of sustainable development.

Now the conveyor belt industry is developing towards energy saving, material saving, safety and environmental protection. Conveyor belts with steel rope, nylon, polyester, and aramid as skeleton materials will develop rapidly, paying more attention to improving the performance and service life of impact resistance, tear resistance, abrasion resistance, ozone resistance, etc.; flame retardant conveyors with various purposes Belts, environmentally friendly enclosed conveyor belts, light conveyor belts, large inclination conveyor belts, high-strength lifting belts, heat-resistant, oil-resistant, acid- and alkali-resistant, heat-resistant conveyor belts, and various patterned conveyor belts with high functionality and special needs. Powerful conveyor belts will develop rapidly and gradually become an important product of conveyor belts. В той самий час, the development of circular economy has also become another new topic in the development of the conveyor belt industry.

With the popularization of conveyor belts, conveyor belts have been applied to various industries in recent years, and the industries are very extensive. Which industries are there?

1. Conveyor belt conveyor lines are widely used in household appliances, electronics, electrical appliances, machinery, tobacco, injection molding, post and telecommunications, друк, food and other industries, assembling, testing, debugging, packaging and transportation of objects. Line conveying can be selected according to process requirements: ordinary continuous operation, beat operation, variable speed operation and other control methods; usually called belt line, assembly line, conveyor, conveying line and so on.

2. The conveyor belt can convey a wide variety of materials. It can convey various bulk materials, as well as various cartons, packaging bags and other single-piece goods with a small weight. It has a wide range of uses.

3. Light conveyor belts have various structures. The conveyor belt can also be equipped with push plates, side baffles, skirts and other accessories to meet various technological requirements.

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