تحليل للوقاية والعلاج من انحراف الحزام الناقل

انحراف الحزام الناقل هو خطأ شائع في استخدام الناقلات, وهو أيضًا صداع للعملاء. كيفية منع والقضاء على خطأ انحراف الحزام الناقل? يجب علينا أولا التحقق من الأسباب, وثم “يصف الدواء المناسب” واحدا تلو الآخر.

1. التدابير الوقائية لانحراف الحزام الناقل

(1) تحسين جودة التثبيت

(2) تحسين جودة مفاصل الحزام الناقل;

(3) تعزيز التفتيش والصيانة المتجولة

(4) تأكد من أن التحميل غير متحيز;

(5) Ensure that the cleaning device is normal.

2. On-site treatment methods for conveyor belt deviation

(1) Automatic drag roller deviation adjustment: When the deviation range of the conveyor belt is not large, a self-aligning drag roller can be installed at the deviation of the conveyor belt.
(2) Appropriate tightening and deviation adjustment: When the conveyor belt deviates from the left to the right, and the direction is irregular, it means that the conveyor belt is too loose. The tensioning device can be adjusted appropriately to eliminate the deviation.

(3) Single-sided vertical roller deviation adjustment: The conveyor belt always deviates to one side, and several vertical rollers can be installed in the range to reset the belt.

(4) Adjust the roller deviation: the conveyor belt runs off the roller, check whether the roller is abnormal or move, adjust the roller to the horizontal position and rotate normally to eliminate the deviation.

(5) Correct the deviation of the conveyor belt joint; the conveyor belt always runs in one direction, and the maximum deviation is at the joint. The conveyor belt joint and the center line of the conveyor belt can be corrected to eliminate the deviation.

(6) Adjusting the deviation of the raised drag roller: the conveyor belt has a certain deviation direction and distance, and several groups of drag rollers can be raised on the opposite side of the deviation direction to eliminate the deviation.

(7) Adjust the deviation of the drag roller: the direction of the conveyor belt deviation is certain, and the inspection finds that the center line of the drag roller is not perpendicular to the center line of the conveyor belt, and the drag roller can be adjusted to eliminate the deviation.

(8) Elimination of attachments: the deviation point of the conveyor belt remains unchanged. If attachments are found on the drag rollers and drums, the deviation must be eliminated after removal.

(9) Correcting feed deviation: the tape does not deviate under light load, and does not deviate under heavy load. The feed weight and position can be adjusted to eliminate deviation.

(10) Correction of bracket deviation: the conveyor belt’s deviation direction, position is fixed, and the deviation is serious, the horizontal and vertical degree of the bracket can be adjusted to eliminate deviation.

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